In this image I thought about album covers dipicting a hell theme eg Bat Out of Hell, and thinking that if you listened long enough then went to bed surely you would dreaming of hell, adding a bottle of Jack Daniels as if the images in your head were leading you to drink, placing a tombstone at the end of the bed and having someone try to claw their way out of hell would be dam scary. But alas it is all an illusion.

I tried to keep this image clean by not adding to much to it. The pictures of Heaven icecream was meant to be a take on the Andy Warol pictures adding a bit of culture and fun to the image, hey it was worth a try.

When I was creating this image, I wanted to creating a soothing image of things that I think show harmony, I could have gone with a choir but that was obvious so I went with a more oriental feel because they have so many elements that harmonise with one another. Yin Yang, Tai Chi, Meditation and of course sailing, the tranquility of this piece speaks well to me.

Country vs City is this where I want to live, what clothes am I going to wear I like this dress but maybe the other one is better. Casual or business, hat or no hat, these are all things I was thinking about when creating this. The scores of music show dissonance in music. I found this one very hard to create.

This is my control picture, the thoughts behind this image is the use of images that portray control in some shape or form, the first being mind control, the second being food control and the third being out of control. Having the little guy in front controlling everything is just like all computers and technology.

In this image I tried to trap elements inside bubbles, but in trapping the images such as the computers which would be unable to communicate with one another, seeing furniture that you could relax in but knowing that you can't escape to do it, the over flowing rubbish just building up but never being abled to be emptied and the kitchen in chaos and not being cleaned (what a horrible thought).